Applying to business school requires a lot of hard work; there are many steps involved in the process. For instance, studying for the GMAT/GRE, developing your strategy/story, and writing your essays are just a few of those steps. So how can you put your best foot forward in your MBA application journey?
Very simply, by investing in yourself.
Invest your time
MBA applications cannot be completed from start to finish in one weekend. Let us repeat that. MBA applications cannot be completed from start to finish in one weekend. Unfortunately, many candidates believe that they can complete their applications quickly, but don’t fall into that trap. While a tiny number of people may get away with breezing through their applications, most people won’t.
Crafting authentic, compelling applications requires a significant amount of time as the MBA application process is very introspective and iterative. As a result, invest your time as you delve into your MBA application journey.
Remember, the MBA application process is extremely competitive. When you hit that submit button for your MBA applications, don’t have any regrets that if you had had X more time to [you fill in the blank], you could have put together stronger applications.
Invest in activities that replenish your energy
An important element of investing in yourself throughout the MBA application journey is making sure that you invest in activities that replenish your energy (as you will need lots of energy given everything else that you will also be juggling – i.e., your professional and personal lives). The MBA application process can be stressful (and sometimes draining) – you’ll need to be introspective and dig deep while working through and managing multiple workstreams (and this will be compounded if you are applying to multiple business schools).
Therefore, make sure to get plenty of sleep. Also, what are the things that help you to recharge? Don’t de-prioritize those activities during your MBA application journey!
Invest in resources
If you feel that additional guidance would be helpful as you go through the MBA application process, consider investing in resources that will help you strengthen your candidacy. This could be hiring GMAT/GRE tutors if you are struggling to score well on the exam and/or engaging MBA admissions consultants to help you present your narrative and candidacy in the best possible light. You’ll know in your gut what will benefit you the most if you are seeking assistance, and if you are unsure, conduct exploratory conversations to understand how such services can help you.
Getting an MBA degree requires a lot of work – as a result, be sure to invest in yourself as you go through the application process. If we can help you with your applications, visit our website to request a consultation.
About Ivy Groupe:
Ivy Groupe is a boutique MBA admissions consulting company founded by Shaifali Aggarwal, who has been recognized as a top MBA admissions consultant by Business Insider and Poets & Quants. She received her MBA from Harvard Business School and undergraduate degree from Princeton University. Shaifali’s philosophy focuses on authenticity and storytelling to help clients craft compelling and differentiated applications that stand out. With this approach, Shaifali’s clients have gained admission to top-tier MBA programs such as Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Kellogg, MIT, Columbia, Booth, Tuck, and Yale, among others.
Click on the links to learn more about our company and how you can work with us to maximize your chances of gaining admission to the MBA programs of your choice.
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